Thursday, February 19, 2009

bitch i'm broke

and it's true. lots of important things have been happening lately, but i'm writing about them in my journal. but the most important thing that has transpired lately is that ANDY came to visit. picked him up at the airport yesterday and it was crazy. we took the train and walked back to the apartment. other than the fact that it has been an entirely inane riot since he landed, my favorite art about hanging out with andy is that he exposes me to amazing new music, movies, and ideas. best things of the day/night that followed: tv carnage, cody chesnutt, scott walker, 30 century, no soy sauce until later, rice noodle marathons, japanese louis armstrong, other amazing things that i need to list. anyway, today we walked to nave yonatan and had a photo walkabout with a few of my girls. we picked up alice afterwards at kadima and came home to make dinner. had a blast just hanging out listening to music and video chatted with leah (from our BR trip). she told us the story of the only time she slept with a guy. she's gay. and the funniest person i've ever met. now we're about to go out. imanuel has made a friend in andy. they're funny. more later.



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