Tuesday, September 16, 2008


nothing too exciting...

went to ulpan. acted out the mating turtles... corresponding video soon to come. ray ray was sick today, so i filled in for her at work. walked home alone today. i'm learning my way around ramla which is pretty neat. it even feels comfortable now.

we had individual meetings with ofir and naama today after ulpan to clear up any problems that any one has with each other or the program, the volunteer places, etc. they asked me to go ahead and come up with a photography lesson plan because all the volunteer places are anxious for me to get started. at work tonight, ofir gave me a box full of cameras i can use to teach the kids. so i'll test all the cameras to see how many i've got to work with. i also found out that i'll be teaching a workshop at ELEM, the place for at-risk teenagers i was so interested in.

anyway, i came up with a sample curriculum:

Photography Lesson Plan for Kids (rough outline)


A) Settings (learn basic settings in class)
B) Perspective (take photos of things in and around the center from various perspectives... i.e. big, small, far, near)
C) Lighting (take photos inside showing diffused lighting, and outside for direct lighting)
D) Composition (take photos experimenting with composition, maybe show slides)


1) A DAY IN THE LIFE- take photos for one day, from beginning to end to document what it's like to be them from their eyes.

-at home
-at kadima

2) MYSTERY PHOTOS- take photos of an object from regular perspective, then very close up so one might not be able to tell automatically what it is. Let the others in the class guess until they figure it out, then show the real object.

3) PORTRAITS- tell a story with the photo of the person you're taking the portrait of. Ask them any three questions you like to find out who they are. Then, set up objects and place to support the life reflected in the answers to these questions.

let me know what you think!

lahitraut (LATER),

b'ahava (WITH LOVE),



Unknown said...

I love your lesson plan! I can't wait for you to start and know for sure it' gonna be a hit! way to go :)


daddyziggie said...

Looks great to me. Curious what Roddy will say.

Bear-A-Saurus-Rex said...

your lesson plan sounds great. everything in it is something that the kids will defiantly be able to understand and execute. in turn they will enjoy doing it and enjoy you.

miss you boo.

Life's a garden, dig it.