Wednesday, October 29, 2008

let her see your fancy footwork, show her that you're not that shy

oooooooooooooooohmygod. so ulpan was really good today. we've been fucking walking in the rain. is so crazy israel in de rain.

ok so after ulpan, alice and i went to the market to get stuff for the party. and some other stuffs. then we got ready for work. and yaacov picked us up at 3 o'clock on the dot i'm in my drop top cruisin the streets.

oh usher. and theeeeeeeeeen, he accused us of lying about going to tel aviv to vote becuase he checked with the embassy and they told him that the only place we could vote was there on november 4th. he thought that we just told him that we went to vote when really we just asked him to take us dancing the other night after work. he was legitimately upset, which made us legitimately upset. because, of course it was weird that we went to a bar at 11PM to vote. but fuck it. after a very tense confused cab ride to work, we figured it all out. he apologized and everything was ok.

work was fine. andy tolentino, one of my fave buddies and an amazingly creative and funny mannish creature, is having an art show at one of my good friend and former bandmate's houses and asked if i would want my photos in it. i am so honored of course, and really want to so i'm hooking him up with my dad so he can pick some printed and framed photos of mine from my house. really excited that i can show my work from here. then, after i talked to one girl about helping my dad set up his reservations for his trip here, i called people about deposits and edited photos for the new website. i think everyone is stressed out. i was actually pretty upset at work and i couldn't figure out why, but then i realized it's because i'm worried about gammy and there's nothing i can do from here. not like there's anything i can do from home either, but i just miss her and hope everything is ok. i even had to go outside to calm down for a minute. i haven't been that emotionally overwhelmed and equally helpless in a while. work ended and i called my dad, and then gammy, and talked to aunt andi and gammy. it was really nice but made me sad. gammy is my fave lady.

ok so got home and tried on my costume for tomorrow night. i'm fuckin stoked. stay tuned for photos. tomorrow is elderly center and then kadima for photo lessons. then we clean and prepare for the PARTAY! sorry this is so brief but i'm tired and tomorrow is a big day. more soon!!!!!



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