Sunday, August 24, 2008

a meditation

i'm laying on a mattress on the floor of the living room in my house in ramla with alli and 'as good as it gets' just ended. it's appropriate. the rest of my group is sitting at the dinner table chatting in talking, regina spektor is playing faintly from a laptop on the desk, and the evening breeze is coming through the open front door and mixing with the fan that is blowing directly on me. everything feels good. i feel relaxed and happy. excited about meeting my group and about the volunteering i'll be doing. the creative endeavours i'll undertake. although i miss my family and friends, i am at peace. and i know that if i keep expecting good things, they will happen.

the other day, swimming in the pool in jerusalem, i discovered the most meditative, relaxing thing i could ever do. floating on my back, i closed my eyes and breathed in my nose and as my lungs inflated, my chest raised above the water. and as i slowly let the air out of my lungs and my mouth, my bouancy waned and i sunk more deeply. it was perfect.

1 comment:

Bear-A-Saurus-Rex said...

i love being able to read about what your doing.

i miss you

your doing wonderful things.